Survey Ship
Год выхода: 1986
Sometime in the future, the human race realizes how much the population is outgrowing the planet and decides to train people to go explore the galaxy to look for other inhabitable planets. The trainees are chosen for their intelligence at a very young age, then spend their entire childhood learning a skill such as medicine, engineering, physics, etc. When they reach adulthood, the best six of them are sent off to other star systems to spend the rest of their lives searching for a place that may...
Svētītais ledus. Nemirstīgo vēlmes
Год выхода: 2024
Brīnišķīgi, kad ilgi gaidītais noslēpuma atklājums nokrīt tieši tev klēpī, lai gan Irisai bija jādodas uz akadēmiju kopā ar brāli, bet viņš viņu pameta pirmajā dienā un aizbrauca. Taču viņai "paveicās" sastapt pūķus, kuri kļuva par potenciālām durvīm viņai un viņas draudzenei uz viņu slēgto impēriju. Un varbūt tas viss nebija nejaušība? Un šī iespēja kādam maksāja daudz pārdomu, pāris sakostus nagus un ticību brīnumiem? Bet ko darīt, kad imperatora brāļadēls, ieraugot raganu, vicina pūķa asti,...

Год выхода: 2012
Richard Lafargue, a well-known plastic surgeon, pursues and captures Vincent Moreau, who raped Lafargue’s daughter and left her hopelessly mad in an asylum. Lafargue is determined to exact an atrocious vengeance, and an ambiguous, even sadomasochistic relationship develops between self-appointed executioner and victim.
Tattie's River Journey (Colour)
Год выхода: 2014
When Tattie's house floats away on a flooded river, she takes in several animals and people and has a wonderful ride.
Terrier Transgressions
Год выхода: 2019
Серия: Pet Whisperer P.I. (#2)
I’m finally coming to terms with the fact I can speak to animals, even though the only one who ever talks back is the crabby tabby I’ve taken to calling Octo-Cat. What I haven’t quite worked out is how to hide my secret…  Now one of the associates at my law firm has discovered this strange new talent of mine and insists I use it to help defend his client against a double murder charge. To make things worse, I kind of have the hots for this Charles Longfellow, III.  And even worse than that?...
The Abominable: A Novel
Год выхода: 2013
A thrilling tale of high-altitude death and survival set on the snowy summits of Mount Everest, from the bestselling author of *The Terror* It's 1924 and the race to summit the world's highest mountain has been brought to a terrified pause by the shocking disappearance of George Mallory and Sandy Irvine high on the shoulder of Mt. Everest. By the following year, three climbers -- a British poet and veteran of the Great War, a young French Chamonix guide, and an idealistic young American --...
The Arabian Nights
This book holds some of the folktales form the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Selected and edited by Andrew Lang, these folktales are simplified and shortened, making them more suitable for children.
The Best of Margaret St. Clair
Год выхода: 1985
THE BEST OF This new series features work by outstanding women science fiction writers, both well-known and unfairly neglected. Many of the stories in these individual volumes have never before been collected in book form, making each of these works valuable as an overview of the author’s best work. The first two volumes are: The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley and The Best of Margaret St. Clair. MARGARET ST. CLAIR has been writing professionally since 1945. She is best known for her shorter...
The Biomass Revolution
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: The tisaian chronicles (#1)
What would you do if you lived in a world where your every move was scrutinized by your own personal artificial intelligence—a world where everything is regulated, from power usage to relationships—a world where everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie? Welcome to Tisaia—The last hub of modern civilization in a world left scorched by the nuclear fires of the Biomass Wars. Surrounded by a fortress of steel walls and protected by a fierce and loyal Council of Royal Knights, Tisaia...
Год выхода: 2008
Издания, представленные в серии «Простое чтение на английском языке», являются учебными пособиями по страноведению и истории, развивают познавательную активность и способствуют развитию у учащихся навыков аналитического мышления. Предназначены для учащихся 7-8 классов школ с углубленными изучением английского языка или школьников старших классов обычной средней школы. Также могут быть полезны студентам начальных курсов языковых и неязыковых вузов и всем желающим приобщиться к интересному и...
The Butcher's Theater
Год выхода: 2013
For all its many crimes of passion and politics, Jerusalem has only once before been victimized by a serial killer. Now the elusive psychopath is back, slipping through the fingers of police inspector Daniel Sharavi. And one murderer with a taste for young Arab women can destroy the delicate balance Jerusalem needs to survive. *** They call the ancient hills of Jerusalem the butcher’s theater. Here, upon this bloodstained stage, a faceless...
The Cat Next Door
Год выхода: 2002
Margot returns to her well-to-do family in England on the eve of her Aunt Chloe's murder trial—she is accused of fatally stabbing her twin sister with a kitchen knife in the garden. Nothing has been the same since Claudia's body was found: her 14-year-old daughter, Lynette, refuses to leave her bedroom, the paparazzi are relentless, and Tikki, the family's beloved Abyssinian, goes to stay with the neighbors. When another body, whom no one recognizes, shows up facedown in the pond while the...
The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse
Год выхода: 2009
Серия: Cats in trouble mystery (#1)
### From Publishers Weekly Sweeney (Pick Your Poison) launches the Cats in Trouble mystery series with a meandering whodunit. Jillian Hart is content making and selling cat quilts and living quietly in Mercy, S.C., with her three cats, Syrah, Chablis and Merlot. When Syrah is catnapped, Jillian finds not only the thief-thanks to a state-of-the-art alarm system installed by charming PI Tom Stewart-but also a murder mystery to solve. The cats are entertaining four-legged assistants, with traits...
The Cats that Surfed the Web
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: The cats that mysteries (#1)
$44 million. A Victorian mansion. And a young career woman with cats. The prospect sounded like a dream come true. What could possibly go wrong? How could a friendly town’s welcome turn into a case of poisoning, murder, and deceit? When Katherine “Katz” Kendall, a computer professional in New York City, discovers she’s the sole heir of a huge inheritance, she can’t believe her good fortune. She’s okay with the clauses of the will: Move to the small town of Erie, Indiana, check. Live in her...
The Company of Cats
Год выхода: 1999
When millionaire Arthur Arbuthnot mistakes gossip maven Annabel Hinchby-Smythe for a decorator—and hires her to redecorate his apartment—the fiscally challenged Annabel can't refuse. When she sees Arbuthnot's tatty London flat, she knows anything will be an improvement. And any gossip she can dig up will be pure gold for the tabloids. But when Arthur is found dead, his frisky relatives begin to lick their chops. Arbuthnot's beloved tabby, Sally, was the only witness to the homicide—and the sole...
The Counterfeiter-Catching Cat
Год выхода: 2015
Ashbrook, New Hampshire. Beatrice Young and her two cats are hot on a local counterfeiting case. With the help of her ex-husband, Matthew, and the sheriff, Beatrice and her two crime-solving cats fight to solve the mystery of who's producing the bills.
The Dark Forest
Год выхода: 2015
Серия: Remembrance of earth's past (#2)
The universe is a forest, patrolled by numberless and nameless predators. In this forest, others are hell, a dire existential threat. Stealth is survival. Any civilisation that reveals its location is prey. Earth has. And the others are on the way. The Trisolarian fleet has left their homeworld and will arrive… in four centuries’ time. But the sophons, their extra-dimensional emissaries, are already here and have infiltrated human society and and de-railed scientific progress. Only the...
The Diamond Cat
Год выхода: 1995
A lifetime of craving more cuddly companionship than her hectoring mother has led fortyish Bettina Bilby to board her neighbors' felines for a long holiday weekend: an expectant tabby, a pampered blue-eyed Balinese, a depressed ginger Persian with a cod-liver-oil addiction, and Adolf, an imperious mouser with a patchwork face. But a freak storm sets the pigeon among the cats—a carrier bird downed on the doorstep with a tiny load of large flawless diamonds. And Bettina's dilemma escalates, as...
The Empty Hours
Three chillers from the files of the 87th Precinct: A young, wealthy woman is found strangled to death in a slum apartment leaving behind only her name, some cancelled checks, and an unknown killer in The Empty Hours ... A big, ugly "J" is painted on the synagogue wall by a killer who had brutally stabbed the rabbi on Passover ... A bright red pool of blood spread into the snow as Cotton Hawes watched his quiet ski weekend turn into a hunt for a ski-slope slayer in Storm.
The family in historical and psychological aspects
Год выхода: 2023
The family is a social unit based on marriage and blood relations; in the modern sense, it is a group of close relatives (parents, children and others) living together. Having arisen at a certain stage in the development of primitive society, the family subsequently undergoes a number of changes based on the development of production and in connection with the development of forms of marriage and kinship.
The Golden Lament
Год выхода: 2023
This collection of poems and short stories covers topics such as: love, friendship, broken hearts, family, career, memories and much more. The author creates books with soul, emotions and his own memories.
The Grail Quest 1 - Harlequin
In the fourteenth century the English were just beginning to discover their national identity, and one of the strongest elements of this was the overwhelming success in battle of the English bowmen. England′s archers crossed the Channel to lay a country to waste. Thomas of Hookton was one of those archers. When his village is sacked by French raiders, he escapes from his father′s ambition to become a wild youth who delights in the opportunities which war offers - for fighting, for revenge and...
The Grail Quest 2 - Vagabond
In Harlequin, Thomas of Hookton travelled to France as an archer and there discovered a shadowy destiny, which linked him to a family of heretical French lords who sought Christendom′s greatest relic. Having survived the battle of Crécy, Thomas is sent back to England, charged with finding the Holy Grail. But Thomas is an archer and when a chance comes to fight against an army invading northern England he jumps at it. Plunged into the carnage of Neville′s Cross, he is oblivious to other enemies...
The Grail Quest 3 - Heretic
The much-awaited third instalment in Bernard Cornwell′s Grail Quest series. In 1347 the English capture Calais and the war with France is suspended by a truce.But for Thomas of Hookton, the hero of Harlequin and Vagabond, there is no end to the fighting. He is pursuing the grail, the most sacred of Christendom′s relics, and is sent to his ancestral homeland, Gascony, to engineer a confrontation with his deadliest enemy, Guy Vexille. Once in the south country, Thomas becomes a raider, leading...